TX 36th Republican Congressional Candidate Chuck Meyer calls for Space Savings Bonds to Support Human Space Flight Programs at NASA

My Ideas from 2012 still need to be implemented. I will continue to push for Space Savings Bonds to save Human Space Flight Programs at NASA.

Chuck Meyer, Republican Primary Candidate for Congress, TX 36

Republished from the PRWeb and Chron.com

                Published on chron.com at  09:00 a.m., Thursday, April 26, 2012           
Press Release

Funding human space exploration is not a Republican issue, not a Democrat issue, it is an American issue. We cannot afford to relegate human space flight to the annals of history.

Houston, TX (PRWEB) April 26, 2012

Former BlackBerry executive, high technology attorney and candidate for the Republican nomination for Congress for the 36th Congressional District, Chuck Meyer, calls on the Texas Congressional Delegation to push their colleagues to pass bipartisan legislation to create a special purpose Savings Bond program to support NASA’s plans for human space flight.

“I particularly call on our strongest champions of NASA, Congressmen Pete Olson, Ted Poe, Gene Green and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, to lead the charge to find support to implement my ideas to finance human space flight missions so that America will…

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Twas a Wild Week in Texas Politics

Twas a Wild Week in Texas Politics
By Chuck Meyer, with apologies to Clement C. Moore
Twas a wild week in Texas politics,
For a seat in the US House,
When too many candidates went a scurrying,
Not a one of them a mouse.
For a place on the ballot they scampered,
They sought out each county chair,
In their heads were glorious visions
That the voters would soon care.
What caused all this ruckus, you ask?
Well, mainly a very determined elf,
Of the impish kind —
Not some Elf on the Shelf.
You see, at the last moment
The elf jumped off the House boat, reducing the crew from four,
Into a murky political morass,
Knocking loudly on the Senate ship’s door.
Back on the House boat,
Cruising ahead were the remaining three,
When like a flash they were boarded
By nine swashbucklers from the political sea.
Said one of the original crew —
One with lotsa pluck,
“Bring it on boys, but let’s fight after Christmas”
Yep, that was what was said by Chuck!
“This is not the political season now
It is a time for faith, for family, for prayer, for peace.
Let’s put away our muskets.
Our political bickering, for now at least, must cease”
So with that wish for the holidays
Chuck hopes for a pause in the fight
As he is heard to wish every voter in CD 36,
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a very Good Night.
Copyright 2013 Chuck Meyer.  Reproduction and republication is permitted with attribution, but no modification to the content is permitted without approval.  Approval may be obtained by contacting the Committee to Elect Chuck Meyer, (281) 296-1681 or press@meyerforcongress.com  All other rights reserved.
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Testimony before the Texas Senate Select Committee on Redistricting at a Hearing held June 8, 2013, at the University of Houston at 11:00 AM

Mr. Chairman, Members of the Select Committee, honored guests, ladies and gentlemen:


My name is Chuck Meyer, I am from Lumberton, in Hardin County.  I am a lawyer with business and property interests in The Woodlands, Lumberton and Harris County. 

I am representing myself today, although I come here with a unique perspective, having been a candidate in 2010 for Congress in the 18th Congressional District, as an independent, write-in candidate, and in 2012 in the race for the Republican nomination for 36th Congressional District, a seat that is occupied by Congressman Steve Stockman.  I am intimately familiar with the maps as they relate to Congressional races, particularly the map for CD 36.  I am tempted to ask that Congresswoman Jackson Lee and Congressman Stockman to be put into the same district, but in all seriousness, that is not why I am here today.

Even though I am a reformist who shares many of the beliefs as represented by the statement today by the representative of Harris County League of Women Voters, particularly with regard to not protecting incumbents through re-districting, and while I detest many of the problems with the gerrymandering that has resulted in the creation of a District 36th that has combined very different 8 small counties that have little in common with a substantial piece of Southeast Harris County, a piece that comprises well over forty percent of the voters in that district, I reluctantly speak today in favor of all 4 SBs.

Why, when I am decidedly unhappy with all of the court-drawn maps and when I agree wholeheartedly with the witness, Ms. Owens and others that communities should not be separated, would I urge you to adopt court-drawn maps that are flawed from this reformist’s perspective?   One reason – I want the State stop spending money needlessly.  I want the State to minimize the amount of money that it will have to spend to provide the electorate with a set of maps that comports with the law for this next election cycle, and then use the money saved to work diligently to provide an improved set of maps for use in 2016 and beyond.  Let no one leave today without understanding that there is a high probability that at least some part of Section 5 will be thrown out by the Supreme Court, not as a result of case brought by the attorney general, but rather in the case out of Shelby County, Alabama.  Who knows how, if at all, that case will impact re-districting?   But until we know that decision, why bother even attempting to change the maps at this point in time, and risk delaying elections needlessly, again costing our State and counties money, needlessly. It is inefficient and a waste of time and money until we know the legal landscape.   Adopt the interim maps for the next election cycle, and then take on board the information you have received through these hearings, and after the Supreme Court delivers its decision in the Shelby county case, begin another special session if need be, working on maps for 2016.  As others have expressed, I want you to do your job and address the concerns of the people.   I just want you to do it efficiently, and save both time and money. 

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Testimony before the Senate Select Committee on Redistricting, at a hearing held June 8, 2013 at 11:00 am, University of Houston.

Mr. Chairman, Members of the Select Committee, honored guests, ladies and gentlemen:


My name is Chuck Meyer, I am from Lumberton, in Hardin County.  I am a lawyer with business and property interests in The Woodlands, Lumberton and Harris County. 

I am representing myself today, although I come here with a unique perspective, having been a candidate in 2010 for Congress in the 18th Congressional District, as an independent, write-in candidate, and in 2012 in the race for the Republican nomination for 36th Congressional District, a seat that is occupied by Congressman Steve Stockman.  I am intimately familiar with the maps as they relate to Congressional races, particularly the map for CD 36.  I am tempted to ask that Congresswoman Jackson Lee and Congressman Stockman to be put into the same district, but in all seriousness, that is not why I am here today.

Even though I am a reformist who shares many of the beliefs as represented by the statement today by the representative of Harris County League of Women Voters, particularly with regard to not protecting incumbents through re-districting, and while I detest many of the problems with the gerrymandering that has resulted in the creation of a District 36th that has combined very different 8 small counties that have little in common with a substantial piece of Southeast Harris County, a piece that comprises well over forty percent of the voters in that district, I reluctantly speak today in favor of all 4 SBs.

Why, when I am decidedly unhappy with all of the court-drawn maps and when I agree wholeheartedly with the witness, Ms. Owens and others that communities should not be separated, would I urge you to adopt court-drawn maps that are flawed from this reformist’s perspective?   One reason – I want the State stop spending money needlessly.  I want the State to minimize the amount of money that it will have to spend to provide the electorate with a set of maps that comports with the law for this next election cycle, and then use the money saved to work diligently to provide an improved set of maps for use in 2016 and beyond.  Let no one leave today without understanding that there is a high probability that at least some part of Section 5 will be thrown out by the Supreme Court, not as a result of case brought by the attorney general, but rather in the case out of Shelby County, Alabama.  Who knows how, if at all, that case will impact re-districting?   But until we know that decision, why bother even attempting to change the maps at this point in time, and risk delaying elections needlessly, again costing our State and counties money, needlessly. It is inefficient and a waste of time and money until we know the legal landscape.   Adopt the interim maps for the next election cycle, and then take on board the information you have received through these hearings, and after the Supreme Court delivers its decision in the Shelby county case, begin another special session if need be, working on maps for 2016.  As others have expressed, I want you to do your job and address the concerns of the people.   I just want you to do it efficiently, and save both time and money. 

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TX 36th Republican Congressional Candidate Chuck Meyer calls for Space Savings Bonds to Support Human Space Flight Programs at NASA

Republished from the PRWeb and Chron.com

                Published on chron.com at  09:00 a.m., Thursday, April 26, 2012           
Press Release

Funding human space exploration is not a Republican issue, not a Democrat issue, it is an American issue. We cannot afford to relegate human space flight to the annals of history.

Houston, TX (PRWEB) April 26, 2012

Former BlackBerry executive, high technology attorney and candidate for the Republican nomination for Congress for the 36th Congressional District, Chuck Meyer, calls on the Texas Congressional Delegation to push their colleagues to pass bipartisan legislation to create a special purpose Savings Bond program to support NASA’s plans for human space flight.

“I particularly call on our strongest champions of NASA, Congressmen Pete Olson, Ted Poe, Gene Green and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, to lead the charge to find support to implement my ideas to finance human space flight missions so that America will return quickly to space as the world leader of space science, technology and exploration.  We should solicit support from delegations in those states most affected by a retreat from space exploration leadership to work with us to protect one of our Nation’s crown jewels, and one of the best examples of American Exceptionalism.   In addition to Texas and Florida, NASA has employees throughout the United States.  Every member of Congress from the States where NASA’s employees earn their livelihood should be pressed into service to be on board this critical mission to develop funding to allow NASA to plan and execute missions to space for the next decades.”

Meyer has put together a simple plan to leverage the intellectual property created through missions into space to serve as an additional guarantee that citizens who purchase Space Bonds will see their investment returned at the end of the bond’s term with interest.  “When I am on the campaign trail, I find voters aren’t that interested in the fine details of my plans.  When I start talking about patent monetization and spinning in technology and spinning out technology for revenue, I lose the interest of most voters. What does excite our citizens is the fact that there is one candidate with a plan to save human space flight before it is too late and with a passion to get the job done.  I am that candidate.” 

According to a statement released by NASA on March 14th, the U.S. government pays the Russian Federation nearly $63 million dollars per seat per trip to allow our astronauts to travel to the International Space Station.  “This is an untenable situation,” says Meyer.  “While I understand we need to cut our federal budget across the board, we cannot sacrifice our future and our children’s future, or allow our only access to space be a toll road through the Russians.   We cannot and must not borrow from the Chinese to support NASA – we have to fund programs that project our American ingenuity and know-how through capital investments by our own citizenry. ”

Meyer hopes to interest NASA astronauts and employees in playing a role in promoting the Space Bonds to the citizens of the U.S.  “Our children need heroes beyond those that come out of Hollywood and our sports arenas.  My heroes growing up were the astronauts, the mission directors and the engineers and scientists of the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo space programs, not entertainers like Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber.  I became a systems engineer to a large degree because of the space program, and we desperately need to excite the next generation to enter into the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics if the dream of a prosperous, innovative America is to continue.” 

You can see the passion in Chuck’s face and hear it in his voice when he champions the work of NASA:  “We need not only to provide space heroes to our children; we need to educate our children why their future will depend upon the continued human exploration of space, and why it is in our national interest to regain our preeminent role as the leaders of space exploration.  This is not a Republican issue, this is not a Democrat issue, it is an American issue!  If Jefferson were alive today, he would be an ardent supporter of Space Science, and he would restate his 1821 conviction that:

“[t]he value of science to a republican people, the security it gives to liberty by enlightening the minds of its citizens, the protection it affords against foreign power, the virtue it inculcates, the just emulation of the distinction it confers on nations foremost in it; in short, its identification with power, morals, order and happiness (which merits to it premiums of encouragement rather than repressive taxes), are considerations [that should] always [be] present and [bear] with their just weight.” – On the Book Duty, 1821

Meyer concludes, “This plan cannot wait until the new Congress is elected.  The time to think outside the box is now; the time to educate is now, the time to act is now!  It is our collective duty as Americans to find American ways to fund human space travel, and Space Bonds are the first mission we should launch towards that important and necessary goal.”

To schedule an interview with Chuck or for more information on Chuck’s plans to fund human space exploration, contact Chuck’s Press Secretary, Heather Warner, at +1 (713)302-2283 or by email to press(at)meyerforcongress(dot)com.   Chuck is available to speak to any concerned voter about NASA funding via Skype.  Contact the campaign’s outreach director, Kathleen Yanock, at +1(713)344-3472, to schedule a Skype session with Chuck.

To learn more about Chuck’s campaign go to http://www.MeyerforCongress.com

About Chuck Meyer

Charles B. “Chuck” Meyer has had a varied and successful career as an engineer, patent examiner, business leader and as a lawyer in both private practice and in-house with two corporations, including Compaq Computer Corporation and Research in Motion Limited, the BlackBerry® Smartphone Company. He is also a former visiting law professor of patent law at the University of Houston Law Center and at the University of Pittsburgh Law School.  Most recently, he has been an entrepreneur, a patent advisor, and a dispute resolution professional. He earned a graduate degree in law from the University of Oxford in 2005, having earlier obtained a B.S. degree in Systems Engineering from the University of Virginia, an M.S. degree in Operations Research from George Washington University and a JD degree from the Washington College of Law of the American University.

The BlackBerry® trademark is owned by Research In Motion Limited and is registered in the United States and may be pending or registered in other countries.  The Committee to Elect Chuck Meyer is neither affiliated with,  nor endorsed, sponsored, or otherwise approved by, Research In Motion Limited.  The use of the BlackBerry® trademark is not to be construed as an endorsement, sponsorship or other approval by, or current affiliation with, Research In Motion Limited.

This campaign material has been paid for by the Committee to Elect Chuck Meyer, Timothy C. Lothe, Esq., Treasurer, 2120 Capitol Avenue, Suite 3430, Houston, TX 77003. Campaign Staff Phone: +1(713)344-3472. http://www.MeyerforCongress.com


For the original version on PRWeb visit: http://www.prweb.com/releases/prweb2012/4/prweb9442955.htm

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Happy Birthday, Mr. Jefferson. Here are some of my favorite Jefferson Quotes on his Birthday!

I predict future happiness for Americans if they can  prevent the government from wasting the labors of the  people under the pretense of taking care of them.  

We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt.   From a  letter to Samuel Kercheval, July 12, 1816  

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from  those who are willing to work and give to those who would  not.  

If people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.

Thomas Jefferson (1743 – 1826)

If you liked these, then visit this site for more Jefferson gems!   http://guides.lib.virginia.edu/TJ



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Even Martin Luther attempted to reform the Church from within! — Why I entered the GOP Primary for Congress for the 36th Congressional District of Texas

As I was reading up on the history of the Protestant Reformation last week, it dawned on me that my efforts at reforming our government are more likely to succeed from within one of the major parties rather than from the outside looking in, even if my political views don’t line up with the platforms of either the Democrats or the Republicans.   However, as the centerpiece of my campaign is REFORM, it seemed that the Republican party would be a more appropriate home, and the GOP primary battleground a better forum, for advancing my reform agenda.   Thus, last week, I filed to become one of 12! candidates for the Republican nomination for CD 36 here in Texas.

History tells us that Martin Luther attempted to reform the Catholic Church by presenting the Church with his 95 theses of reform, before he found himself the leader of a revolution — the Protestant Reformation.  Although I will not be nailing my 95 theses to the front door of the US Capitol or the White House (I wish I could, but I enjoy my freedom from jail too much to even attempt such an audacious move), I do encourage all those whose seek Political Reformation in the US to join my campaign.  Over the next few weeks, I hope to come up with at least 10 tangible reforms to governance and the political process each week and hear you opinion on those reforms.  Some of these reforms you have heard before.  Others are wholly my own creation.  You can follow my reform theses on Twitter @TexasReformer. and either comment here or through your tweet.  This evening will be my first thesis of the ninety-five that I will post.

Thanks to my small audience for reading this.  Help me grow my followers by forwarding this post and each of my theses!

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